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Meet our teaching assistant
Hello! I'm Michelle, 37, from Belleville, Canada. Aside from spending most of my time with my two children and my master studies in health promotion, I am really enjoying visiting various English classes at St. Ursula and encouraging students to participate more in class. I enjoy sharing my stories and my culture, and I hope that this experience helps to motivate them and spark an interest for the language.

Fr, 20.09.2024
Fr, 27.09.2024
RS + BG Klassenverfügungstag
Mi, 02.10.2024
bis Mi, 02.10.2024

Kollegiumsausflug - schulfrei nach der 4. Stunde
Fr, 04.10.2024
Beweglicher Ferientag -unterrichtsfrei-
Do, 10.10.2024
RS + BG Klassenpflegschaftsabend 19.00 Uhr
Fr, 08.11.2024
bis Sa, 09.11.2024

RS Schulhausführungen
Di, 17.12.2024
Infoabend Berufliches Gymnasium SG/WG
Di, 21.01.2025
Infoabend der Realschule